commanding norm of criminal law 命令性刑法规范
obligatory norm of criminal law 义务性刑法规范
authorized norm of criminal law 授权性刑法规范
prohibitive norm of criminal law 禁止性刑法规范
In this sense, we can say that the norm of criminal law is the formalized tool of rationality ; criminal policy non-formalized purpose of rationality. Criminal policy plays a guiding role in enforcing criminal law norm.
参考来源 - 论刑事政策与定罪量刑·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Modern criminal law is an operative norm facing to all members, therefore, the majority of crimes can be implemented by all that have the capacity of criminal responsibility.
By introduction of the problem of its complementary norm, point that the range of the complementary norm are laws and regulations in article 93 of the criminal law.