intestinal normal microflora 肠道正常菌群
normal microflora of intestinal mucosa 胃肠道正常菌群
normal intestinal microflora 肠道正常菌群
The chickens being induced to infect salmonella pullorum after fed the culture solution of Lactobacillus were to be observed the colonization of the main normal microflora in chickenscecums and chickensresistance to disease.
参考来源 - 饲喂乳杆菌雏鸡对鸡白痢菌感染的影响·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Through comparing the microflora of normal and sick turbot gut and living water, we hope to predict the outbreak of fish disease.
Objective: to study the changes of microflora in subgingival groove of abutment in patients with magnetic attachments after oral hygienic instruction and with normal persons.