normalized vector 正规化向量 ; 化向量 ; 单位向量 ; 归一化向量 normalized mode 正规模式 ; 正规化模式 ; 正规模式;正规化模态 ..
modulus normalized vector 模归一化矢量
gravity normalized vector mode 重力归一化矢量模
parallel normalized mean curvature vector 平行法平均曲率向量
normalized mean curvature vector 单位平均曲率向量的
normalized interval weights vector 标准化区间
normalized mutual information vector 归一化互信息向量
The normalized vector is used as the input of RBF NN, and target recognition is performed based on this, which leads to a satisfactory recognition result.
Using statistical methods to calculate the Angle interval mean and variance of pixels to centroid distance of the normalized gait silhouette images, and construct them as a feature vector.
No convergent drawback of the weight vector due to choose the dispersion constant inaccurately in the normalized constant modulus algorithms (NCMA) is overcome.