north light gutter 朝北锯齿形屋顶边沟
north light roof [建] 北向采光锯齿形屋顶 ; 北窗采光屋盖
north-light truss 锯齿式屋架
north light glazing 朝北锯齿形采光屋面装配玻璃
north-light roof 锯齿形屋顶
north light truss 单斜式屋架
Artists Like North Light 艺术家象北方亮光
North Light Vehicle City 华北轻型汽车城
以上来源于: WordNet
This space collects north light and distributes summer wind chilled by a sequence of cooling ponds.
This volume is oriented so that a large window incorporated into the facade brings north light into the space throughout the day.
In 2005 southern and eastern Afghanistan were light yellow, while a speckly yellow arc traversed the west and north.
So like right up north there's a City Light Bookstore,