...艾丽斯·芒罗 (Alice Munro) 、安娜·埃贝尔 (Anne Hebert) 、雅克·戈德布特 (Jacques Godbout) 、诺斯罗普·弗赖伊 (Northrop Frye) 、于贝尔·阿坎 (Hubert Aquin) 、加斯东·米伦 (Gaston Miron) 、迈克尔·翁达捷 (Michael Ondaatje) 和莫迪凯·里奇勒 (Mordecai ...
Northrop Frye is a literature critic of great report in 20th century. He is the originator of archetype theories and a critic of his own style.
参考来源 - 论弗莱的文学批评Although Northrop Frye and some other people have taken note of The King of the Golden River and its implications for economics, no commitment seems to have hitherto been made to their close analysis.
参考来源 - 《金河王》的经济学寓意·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: Frye Herman Northrop Frye
以上来源于: WordNet