It is not conceivable that Britons could have been forced to vote a second time (a standard EU ploy when voters rebel).
It's far beyond what most Internet users would ever need, but Google's premise is that if it builds such a network, innovators will dream up applications simply not conceivable with today's pipes.
They had not lived in every conceivable manner, far from it, but what room would there be for the multitude if each individual tried to exhaust the permutations of existence?
They are subject to every conceivable kind of illusion, not to be trusted, and Socrates calls them liars.
That is,we think it's conceivable that somebody could, at some level,not really believe they're going to die.
Imagine--this didn't, of course, actually happen, but imagine--the crucial point here is simply that we can imagine this story happening, not even that we think it's empirically possible, just it's conceivable, it's an imaginable story.