经典创意产品:带抽屉的座椅(Not Just a Chair) 一提到座椅 朋友们就会想到是用来坐在上面的 如果您是经常光顾超现实创意网的朋友 一定还会记得我们以前介绍的衣架座椅系列的1...
Even when he came home, he would take a chair outside and just read, regardless of whether or not it was busy in the fields.
Also, a natural pose is better than a stiff one so try to make your model feel comfortable and not nervous. Let them sit on a chair instead of just standing up in the studio.
When a person is doing low-level exercise, such as walking, or maybe performing various tasks at work (if work is not just sitting in a chair), he burns primarily fats for energy.