Not necessarily in that order.|不是非要先谈再吃 Yes, I would love to do both, but food first, because I'm starving.|好 两样都要 但先吃吧 我饿死了 .
Her courtship story reflects the social norms of her time: monogamy and matrimony, not necessarily in that order, but certainly till death do us part.
Hailing from Western Europe and the British Isles in particular, the Fianna are a tribe that indulges in its passions for music, drink, love and fighting (not necessarily in that order).
作为来自西欧和英格兰群岛的部族, 芬 尼安嗜好音乐、美酒、爱情和搏击等等。
Once again, the tradeoff is that batch database operations do not necessarily process updates in the same order as the code, but they do generally result in better performance.