不可省略的 » Not to be omitted in 我们所有的工厂和设拖可能明天会被全部烧光,但是你永远无法动摇公司的品牌价值;所有这些实际上来源于我们品牌特许的良好商誉和...
Avoid cliches and legalese. These two are overused in business texts. Some of these phrases do not add anything to your message and can be omitted.
The root is not necessarily the bass, except when chords are in root position, to be indicated by the Numbers 5 and 3, although such figuring is often omitted for chords in root position.
Inferences in daily life tend to be expressed in omitted forms, where some premises are not explicitly given. Accordingly, it is very important to analyze presuppositions in an all - round way.