注入大量的资金 » A massive injection of funds 甭客气 » Not to mention it 坚持依法治校,提高办学水平 » Adhere to the Principia, raise the level of education ..
Not to mention it cant be blocked, dodged, or parried.
Conquering envy in itself is difficult, not to mention it takes a long time to learn.
Not to mention it can spoil, meaning that you've actually lost money while trying to save.
Well, sometimes you divide up the land equally, but if that land continues to get smaller and smaller, it will not sustain an additional person, not to mention additional family.
You shall not mention any other gods. It tells you how to observe the three pilgrimage festivals and rules of ritual offering and then there are also civil laws. Same thing in Leviticus: 18 through 20. We have incest laws, we have ritual laws, we have civil laws and we have moral laws all together.