...人在这次事故中幸存了下来 » Fortunately for up to 10 people survived the accident down 不稀罕你祝福 » Not unusual to you 莫莉需要更多的时间提高数学。她需要做更多的题 » Molly needs more time to promote mathematics.
It's not unusual to feel lost when you first start college.
In fact, wherever you go in the United States today, it is not unusual to see newspaper ads that provide information on how and where to get a cheap divorce.
Look at the source code. Is there anything unusual or suspicious that you can see when you "view source"? (If you're not up to this, technically, ask a friend who is.)
Now, the reason we're going to wait until next week is the first concept sheet is unusual in that it's not just you writing about whatever you want, but it's writing about your dietary analysis.