notepad(记事本)是代码编辑器或WINDOWS中的小程序,用于文本编辑,在文字编辑方面与Windows写字板功能相当。是一款开源、小巧、免费的纯文本编辑器。 Notepad内置支持多达 27 种语法高亮度显示(囊括各种常见的源代码、脚本,值得一提的是,完美支持 .nfo 文件查看),也支持自定义语言。
Notepad Portable 文本编辑器 ; 增强的记事本 ; 编辑器
TED Notepad 纯文本编辑器 ; 记事本 ; 优秀的纯文本编辑工具 ; 纯文本编辑工具
AK Notepad AK记事本 ; 记事本
Run Notepad 运行记事本 ; 打开记事本
GridinSoft Notepad 文本编辑器
Notepad plusplus 文本编辑器
Simple Notepad 简易记事本 ; 简易记事簿 ; 简约记事本 ; 简约笔记本
Notepad Snake 笔记本贪食蛇 ; 笔记本贪吃蛇
ColorNote Notepad Notes 彩虹便签 ; 五彩记事本 ; 便笺
N-COUNT A notepad is a pad of paper that you use for writing notes or letters on. 记事本
Asked what's on his iPad, Flake e-mailed: "I have a 'notepad' app that I checked the other day."
当问到他的 iPad 中有什么时,Flake 在电子邮件中说:“我日前装了一款'记事本'的应用程序。”
As the words begin to flow, the ideas will come from the shadows and let themselves be captured on your notepad or your screen.
Open the file in a Notepad window.
If you haven't got a sheet in front of you, just write it on your notepad.
Write down what you're going to do on the corner of your notepad.
You open what we call the "text editor," the specific one we used on Wednesday was called Nano, -- which is similar to Notepad or TextEdit -- totally simple, kind of dumbed down but in a useful way so that you can just focus on writing code and not learning some new interface.