... 7 years and 50 days 七年零五十天 now just look at me 看一眼现在的我 am I the girl I used to be 是否还是过去的那个女孩 ...
And now when people look at me they think that I'm something I'm not, just because of one incident, one night with someone who I was in love with.
Let's continue on. Now I want to take a look at a wonderful exercise that's fabulous and very profound. So just follow me.
I could have just done this, and the only reason I didn't here is just because now I look - at this, and now it's just getting confusing for me — even for someone who's been programming for a while.
I could have just done this, and the only reason I didn't here is just because now I look - at this, and now it's just getting confusing for me -- even for someone who's been programming for a while.
Come with me now, open up your New Testament as you're just going to look at it, and we're going to go through a rushed little survey, through the New Testament.