1983年,Garey与Johnson证明:确定一个任意图的 交叉数问题是NP-困难的(NP-complete)。计算一个给定图的交叉数也是非常困难的,目前,只有很少图族的交叉数是已知的。
NP complete NP完全
NP-complete problems NP完全问题
NP-complete problem NP完全问题
strongly np-complete 强np完全
strong np complete problem 强np
np complete problems np完全问题
np-complete set NP完全集
以上来源于: WordNet
The crossing number of graph, which is an NP-complete problem, has an important theory meaning.
图的交叉数问题属于NP -困难问题,对它的研究有重要的理论意义。
Assuming you are looking for general case answer, I am sorry to say - but this problem is NP-Complete.
Some bin packing problems are NP-complete but are amenable to dynamic programming solutions or to approximately optimal heuristic solutions.