...巴基斯坦扩大核武项目的计划不是因美印核协议而起,但最近的报道更证实了众人所说的:印巴正在进行核军备竞赛(nuclear arms race),美印的核协议更证明它是合理的。”瑟林奇昂尼表示道,“我们不但没有打破这个恶性循环,反而去保佑它(bless it)。
...)核武竞赛(Nuclear Arms Race)太空竞赛(Space Race)美苏竞赛 赫鲁雪夫 V.S 雷根 ussr V.S usa核武竞赛(Nuclear Arms Race)恐怖平衡冷战当时双方都拥有大量的核子武器。直接冲突可能导致全人类毁灭。
以上来源于: WordNet
What China fears is a nuclear arms race in the region.
The nuclear arms race should be prevented by the international community.
That will lead to a nuclear arms race in the region that supplies most of the world's crude oil.
"I firmly believe it is in Iran's interest not to develop nuclear weapons, because it would trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East and be profoundly destabilizing in all sorts of ways."
VOA: special.2009.05.23
Secretary Gates said if Iran develops a nuclear weapon, it would likely spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, creating more dangers for Iran than it has now.
VOA: standard.2009.12.12
And North Korea's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs,Pak Kil Yon, said his country is not seeking an "arms race," but that it possesses a "dependable nuclear deterrent,"
VOA: standard.2009.09.29