c o m 有机化学 第七章 卤代烃 25 N u + C L 7.5.1 亲核取代反应 (nucleophilic substitution reactions) 亲核试剂进攻中心碳原子,离去基团 带着一对电子离去的反应——亲核取代反应 C N u + L δ δ • C–X 的极化: C X δ δ 亲核试...
After it was mixed with epoxy resin, transition state was formed first. Then they got on with opening ring reactions according to bimolecular nucleophilic substitution mechanism (SN2).
Vicarious nucleophilic substitution (VNS) of hydrogen is a new type of reaction which is different from the usual electrophilic and nucleophilic reactions of the nitro arenes.