... [书] so that; so as to; 1.(众多) multitudinous; numerous: 1.(宗法制度下指家庭的旁支) of or by the concubine (as distinguished from the legal wife): ...
numerous in variety 品种多样 ; 种类多样
There are numerous 林林总总
overcome numerous difficulties 战胜无数的困难 ; 战胜无数困难 ; 克服无数的艰苦
The numerous 名目繁多
Too numerous to mention 不胜枚举 ; 举不胜举
There were numerous 纷纷扬扬
numerous volumes of literature 浩如烟海的文化典籍
numerous adjective 许多的 ; 无数的
ADJ If people or things are numerous, they exist or are present in large numbers. 许多的
Sex crimes were just as numerous as they are today.