nutrient solution [植] 营养液 ; 培养液 ; 细菌培养液
Medical activity muscular nutrient solution 美立塑 ; 医用活性肌注射液
parenteral nutrient solution 静脉营养液
Hoagland's nutrient solution 霍格兰氏营养液
Qianglishen nutrient solution 强力神营养液
nutrient solution temperature 液温
pH of nutrient solution 营养液的pH
plant nutrient solution 植物营养液
On land, the supportive buoyancy of water is missing, the plant is no longer bathed in a nutrient solution, and air tends to dry things out.
Aeroponics, a technique in which plants are suspended and the roots misted with a nutrient solution, is another method for growing plants without soil.
However, the nutrient solution is not circulated but used only once.