O-ring seal 止水环 ; 密封圈 ; 密封胶圈 ; 止水
o ring seal o 形面密封 ; 形密封圈密封
forced O-ring seal 强制O型环密封
rubber O-ring seal 橡胶O形圈密封
hollow metal O-ring seal 空心金属O形环密封
double O-ring seal 双O形圈密封
metallic-nonmetallic O-ring seal 非金属双O型环密封
O-ring and nonmetallic O-ring seal 金属
o-ring seal lip O型密封圈唇部
Theinvestigation showed that low temperatures on the day of the launch caused arubber “O-ring” seal on one of the rocket boosters to fail, which led to a leakof explosive gases.
There have been two failures: The shuttle Challenger and seven astronauts were lost just after launch in January 1986 due to an O-ring seal leak in a solid rocket booster that led to an explosion.
The design calculation of the large O ring rubber self energized seal (without bolt and nut )used for the vacuum equipment and its application results are introduced.