Varnum出具的上述尽职调查备忘录确认,经查询奥克兰县(Oakland County)及密歇根州的档案、位于密歇根州境内的美国联邦法院(包括破产法院)的数据库,除密歇根东区美国联邦地区法院受理的一宗尚处于交...
尽管华克为自己喊冤,密西根州奥克兰郡(Oakland County)助理检察官特纳(Sydney Turner)却指出,华克的行为明显构成身分盗用(identitytheft)的犯罪事实,因此将他移送法办。
You are preparing to head downtown from an Oakland county suburb—West Bloomfield, maybe, Southfield or Farmington Hills.
你正准备从奥克兰县郊区出发———— 也许是西布卢姆菲尔德(West Bloomfield),也许是南菲尔德(Southfield)或法明顿山(Farmington Hills)——去市中心。
The total economic impact may not be known for months or even years, Bob Daddow, deputy Oakland County executive, said.
In January, the foreclosure rate increased 102 percent from the same month a year earlier in Oakland County, Mich., home to a huge number of G.M. and Chrysler employees.
1月,密西根城奥克兰县(oakland County Mich .)通用汽车公司和克莱斯勒公司职员的房屋赎回率比去年同期增长了102%。