袭击几乎同时发生在孟买的16处不同地点,大多是标志性建筑,包括了奥布罗伊酒店(Oberoi Trident)、泰姬陵酒店、希瓦吉火车站(Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus)、卡马医院、里奥帕德咖啡厅(Leopold Cafe)等。
Oberoi Trident Hotel 奥拜罗三叉戟酒店
以上来源于: WordNet
At the Oberoi Trident, gunmen burst into the Kandahar restaurant and reportedly took American and British nationals hostage.
在Oberoi Trident酒店,持枪者冲进坎大哈餐厅。据报道,他们只劫持了美国人和英国人作为人质。
Within moments, they were hearing reports of shooting at the Oberoi Trident hotel, part of one of the most prestigious chains of hotels in India.
不一会,他们又收到了在Oberoi Trident酒店发生枪击的报告。该酒店是印度最具声望的连锁酒店中的一家。
The police said more than 1, 000 people had been evacuated from the Oberoi Trident, with waiters in black and white formal wear running across the road.
警方称,超过1000人,包括身穿黑白制服的服务员们已经从Oberoi Trident酒店撤离。