205 中文名称 面向对象程序设计C++ 英文名称 Object-Oriented Programming C++ 学分 3 总 学时 48 讲课 学时 28 实验 学时 上机 学时 20 实践 学时 课外 学时 课程类别 理论课 课程性质 学科与专业基础必修课 开课系
The classic C language approach to object oriented programming is the usage of opaque pointers, i.e., handles.
The Go language supports a style of object-oriented programming similar to that used in C. Data is grouped together into structs, and then functions are defined which operate on those structs.
C plus plus language has the powerful function in pointer and array and object-oriented programming (OOP) technology which are in favor of programming.
But it really wasn't until, I would say, the arrival of Java that object-oriented C++ programming caught the popular attention.