...文 关键词 HRMIS;面向对象的开发工具;Access数据库 Abstract [gap=1751]Keywords HRMIS ; Object-oriented Programming Tools ; Access Database ...
Over time, I developed tools and techniques, like object-oriented programming, that greatly enhanced my ability to organize and compartmentalize.
Our focus on delivering high-quality F# core tools is designed to augment Visual Studio’s amazing strengths as a presentation-rich object-oriented programming environment.
我们所关注的是,发布一个高质量的F#核心工具,可以增强Visual Studio的实力,让其成为一个具有丰富界面开发能力的面向对象的编程环境。
Fengjiashan reservoir flood forecasting and dispatching system is developed by using the advanced developing platform and tools, together with the object-oriented and visual programming technique.