应用之美在于药到病除,不管黑猫白猫,能解决问题就是好猫。 ... int arg2 参数2 Object obj 消息内容 Handler target 消息响应方 ...
OBJ OBJECT 反对 ; 目标 ; 客观的
To take advantage of these reference classes, you must break the strong reference to the MyObject object by setting obj to null.
要利用这些引用类,您必须取消对MyObject对象的强引用,方法是将ob j设置为null。
Allows Dojo applications to attach functions to method invocations in other objects. For example, the following code fragment attaches the function foo to the method bar in the object obj.
The reference obj refers to an object stored in the heap.
o bj这个引用将引用堆中存储的一个对象。