中文模板 Key words: software process; software process modeling; PSEE; object Petri nets [gap=242]关键词 : 软件过程;软件过程建模;以过程为中心的软件工程环境;对象网
object petri nets protocol 对象petri网
stochastic object Petri nets 随机对象Petri网
object colored petri nets 对象有色petri网
object-oriented petri nets 面向对象petri网
high-level object-oriented petri nets 高级对象petri网
hierarchical object-oriented Petri nets 层次化面向对象的Petri网
generalized object-oriented Petri nets model 扩展的面向对象Petri网模型
object-based colored petri nets 对象有色petri网
Object-Oriented Fuzzy Petri nets 面向对象模糊Petri网
The PCPNs was obtained based on Object Petri Nets(OPNs)through extending the semantic of its transition.
参考来源 - 基于过程控制网的协同设计建模与分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress