客观证据(objective evidence)是通过处理来自二手资料的相关 信息得到的。 2、理论在营销研究中的作用 - 12 - R e s e a r c h T a s k R o l e o f T h e o r...
但现今各医疗机构组织,仍努 力地想用较科学客观的证据(objective evidence)去监测医疗照护品质,即将临床医疗品质之 过程或结果;尽可能的量化转换成可衡量的指标,以利经营及管理。
... 客观交易价值 objective exchange value 客观凭证 objective evidence 客观使用价值 objective use value ...
... original evidence : 原始凭证 objective evidence : 客观证明 instrument of evidence : 证明文件 ...
Document Objective Evidence 记录证据
Examine Objective Evidence 调研证据
Verify and Validate Objective Evidence 验证和确认证据
O objective evidence 客观的证据
Review Objective Evidence 审核客观证据
Vendor Specific Objective Evidence 销售商特定客观证据
verifiable objective evidence 可验证的客观证据
Objective evidence observed 观察到的客观证据
He had no objective evidence that anything extraordinary was happening.
Is there objective evidence that the chemistries are being analyzed by the laboratory on the documented frequency?
This provides objective evidence of their fitness for purpose, as they will have actually been used rather than just admired.
Now in the passage I gave you, Freud says a very interesting thing, which is that after all, we have absolutely no objective evidence that the unconscious exists.
There are scholars of all stripes and allegiances who view P as late; and there is some very good objective evidence for dating parts of P to the post-exilic period, just as there is good objective evidence for dating parts of D and the other sources to the post-exilic period.