...在2010年的一月份会在身心上涌现一个(A)瓶颈(Bottleneck)期,以火箭今朝的声威,在东部诸强遍及武备比赛效果明显(Obvious effect)的景况下,老师爱您,您不一定成功;您爱老师,您一定可以成功。
Has an obvious effect 有明显作用
no obvious effect 无明显影响
an obvious effect 显着的效果
have obvious effect 有明显的效果
had obvious effect 有明显的影响
has obvious effect 具有显着影响
very obvious effect 极显着的影响
acquires obvious effect 取得明显效果
Convenient use, obvious effect of sterilization.
The team then exposed the mice to Citrobacter. One antibiotic had no obvious effect.
The most obvious effect of holding so many elections on one day is to raise the cost of competing.
The more salient you make the cause of the arousal, the less likely you'll get the effect but you can see even in experiments where the cause of the arousal is somewhat obvious, at least to us, you can still get a misattribution effect.