制备种类 » description prepared 偶尔会看 » Occasionally see 当你回来发现我还在熟睡,请一定叫醒我 » When you come back I also found sleeping in, please be sure to wake me ..
... 我们每天应该尽可能的多做运动。 » Every day we should try to do more exercise. 偶看 » occasionally see 快来~我点进去了 要是你能让我开心 网路上的钱我不在意 » null ...
Through the trees they could occasionally see the rooftops of the village.
We occasionally see client applications trying to implement their own solutions.
You are always rare light gray head, and only visitors in my space friends list where you can occasionally see someone lit the same color head.
That has kind of almost entered the English language in the sense that you'll see it quoted occasionally in newspapers.
Even if you come home about two or 2:30 in the morning near our apartment you can still see rather large rats dashing across the street; some of them look so bloated they look like sangliers, or wild boar, which you can see occasionally in parts of rural France.