Occipital lobe [解剖] 枕叶 ; 后顶叶 ; 黄色部分为枕叶 ; 枕骨脑叶
occipital lobe syndrome 枕叶症状群 ; 顶叶症状群 ; 第三节枕叶症状群 ; 第二节顶叶症状群
left occipital lobe 释义左枕叶
occipital lobe tumor 枕叶肿瘤
idiopathic photosensitive occipital lobe epilepsy 特发性光敏性枕叶癫痫
cortex occipital lobe 释义枕叶皮质 ; 枕叶皮质
Wider occipital lobe 较宽的枕叶
There is the frontal lobe, easy to remember, it's part in front, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe, and the temporal lobe.
The pruning in the occipital lobe, at the back of the brain, tapers off by age 20.
CT: Unenhanced CT of the head in brain and bone windows demonstrate gyriform cortical calcifications along the left occipital lobe.