...报道 记者 朱晓磊】据美国中文网11月11日报道,美国新泽西州数百名灾民自从遭受飓风“桑迪”侵袭之后,便住在了大洋港(Oceanport)的帐篷城。然而,由于条件恶劣,灾民们几乎无法在帐篷城里入睡。
As a rule, the Trans-Siberian means the 5, 772-mile journey that begins in European Moscow and ends up a stone's throw from Japan in the Pacific Ocean port of Vladivostok.
通常,横贯西伯利亚意味着从欧洲莫斯科出发,经过5 772英里的旅程到达离日本咫尺之遥的太平洋港口城市符拉迪沃斯托克。
It is an important ice-free harbor and the major Canadian outlet to the Pacific Ocean and the largest cargo port on the Pacific.
But then later on we started installing sea level gauges all around the Pacific Ocean. Pretty much every port and harbor in the world has one or two of these.