...”史蒂夫•曼恩(Steve Mann),哥伦比亚大学软件工程学院教授、AR之父史蒂芬•费纳(Steven K Feiner),傲库路思(Oculus VR)联合创始人杰克•麦考利(Jack McCauley),加州大学伯克利分校教授、机器人与强化学习领域专家皮特•阿布比尔(Pieter Abbeel)...
We count on you, the community of Oculus Rift developers, to provide feedback and help us mature these evolving VR best practices and principles.
The company has worked with the Oculus Rift virtual reality (VR) headset, for example, to allow dentists to test out different concepts in simulated spaces well before production.
该公司与Oculus Rift合作过,其虚拟现实(VR)耳机会让牙医在模拟空间对我们不同的概念产品进行测试。