Odd Parity Check 奇校验 ; 奇数奇偶性较验 ; 奇同位检查 ; 奇数的奇偶校验
odd parity ODBC 驱动程序
odd-parity check 奇数奇偶校验 ; 奇校验
odd parity check ODBC 数据指针链接库
Odd Parity bit 奇校验位
Odd-parity code 奇校验码
Odd-parity circuit 奇校验电路
pu i odd parity spectrum pui奇宇称光谱
odd-parity 奇宇称 ; 奇检验
We report here the measurment and results of the odd parity autoionizing spectra of Ybl by the laser multistep excitation technique.
If using odd parity, then when the receiver receives this set of code, check the "1" if the number is odd, to determine the transmission code is correct.
To improve the ability of suppressing interference, the communication does not only make use of odd parity and CRC parity, but also apply to the overtime alarm mechanism.