咽麻木(Pharyngeal Paralysis) 食道炎(Oesophagitis) 为了洗净食道,达到消炎,收敛目的,可将0.1%高锰酸钾溶液,1%鞣酸溶液,2%硼酸溶液等用细胃管灌注食道,而后灌注少量碘甘油(5...
Reflux Oesophagitis 返流性食管炎 ; 回流行食管炎
herpetic oesophagitis 疱疹性食管炎
superficial exfoliative oesophagitis 有表层脱落性食管炎 ; 表层脱落性食管炎
Acid Reflux and Oesophagitis 食道返流症 ; 食道返流
corrosive oesophagitis 腐蚀性食管炎
peptic oesophagitis 消化性食管炎
catarrhal oesophagitis 释义卡他性食管炎
eumycete oesophagitis 真菌性食管炎
同义词: esophagitis
以上来源于: WordNet
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the economic efficacy of different drugs in the treatment and maintenance treatment of reflux oesophagitis.
Objective:To analysis 29 patients with the eumycete oesophagitis and detect the cause of the eumycete oesophagitis in the near future.
A model of healing of Los Angeles grades C and D reflux oesophagitis: is there an optimal time of acid suppression for maximal healing?