value of import 输入价值 ; 进口货值 ; 进口额 ; 价值指数
validity of import license 进口许可证有效期
restriction of import 进口限制 ; 限制
licensing of import 进口许可 ; 输入许可 ; 入口容许
approval of import 进口许可 ; [贸易] 批准进口
certificate of import license 进口 ; 进口证明 ; 进口许可证 ; 特许进口证明书
certificate of import licence 特许进口证明书 ; 进口许可证明 ; 特许进口证实书
advice of import goods 进口货物通知单
decontrol of import and export 进出口权下放
contraband of import [法] 非法进口 ; 进口违禁品
The complexity of these relationships makes it unlikely that a system of import relief laws will meet the strategic needs of all the units under the same parent company.
Only a lack of import infrastructure is constraining demand growth there, he argues.
Amid this difficult economic environment, sales of import luxury cars in the U.S. have actually improved.