Night of Anguish 痛苦之夜 ; 悲愤的夜晚
Pear of Anguish 苦刑梨
Halls of Anguish 经过悲痛之厅 ; 悲痛之厅 ; 思之厅
Ampitheater of Anguish 痛苦斗兽场 ; 疾苦斗兽场
the path of anguish 苦痛之路
Words of Anguish 痛楚经文
He never reached her, he never heard the cry of anguish he hoped to wring from her.
Tears of anguish filled her eyes.
These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.