" of course it may ,"said angel ,"was it not proved nineteen hundred years ago --if I may trespass upon your domain a little ?"
'Of course it may,' said Angel.
Of course it may have just been hearing Cortana speaking through his comms.
It's sad, of course, that a person may have to spend the rest of his life, or a large part of it in prison for acts that he committed while not in full control of his mind.
Now, if you dug a hole here until there, and of course it may work until that happens.
That's the negative response to undecidability, and it's of course, a view that many of us may entertain.
But it may be the case that it's something like a situation in which over the course of the previous stanza, Milton has actually usurped the role of the muse and has begun providing something like his own inspiration.