(日常生活应用的) of everyday use ◇日用必需品 daily necessities; household necessities; 日用电器 domestic electrical appliance; 日用工业品 manufactured g...
Articles of Everyday Use 日用品 ; 日常用品
ariticles of everyday use [轻] 日用品
familiar article of everyday use 日常用品
We specialize in a whole set of craft Lighting and articles of everyday use.
To our surprise, articles of everyday use are abundant and the price is normal in such a remote place.
If in the course of everyday use accidentally into the or to watch, hard hit the watch, it may lead to the inside of the watch machine core gear such as loose parts, dislocation, etc.
And this is obviously a toy example but you could see the use of recursion in everyday life and in everyday use of language.