of non-tariff barriers to trade
...;山东纺织品;非关税壁垒;国际贸易 [gap=1117]Keywords: Post-quota era; Shandong textile; Of non-tariff barriers to trade; International Trade ...
of non-tariff barriers to trade
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As a new non-tariff trade barriers, green barriers to trade the reasonableness of their external and internal concealment, more and more developed Western countries, of all ages.
Technical barriers to trade, with conformity assessment procedures as the representative, have become the main form of non-tariff barriers in international trade.
The Green trade barriers is one kind of non-tariff measures, which utilizes environment standards and codes to establish obstacles to free trade.
Detroit ultimately, albeit reluctantly, acquiesced to a U.S.-South Korea trade pact touching on similar issues of non-tariff barriers to trade that Japan raises.
WSJ: Business Asia: Japan's New TPP Energy
The results from models of this type depend partly on the assumptions economists have to make for instance about the effect of removing non-tariff trade barriers.
ECONOMIST: Eastern promise
What happened was, is a group, a subset of APEC countries came together and said let's see if we can create a high-standard agreement that is dealing with tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade, but let's also incorporate a whole range of new trade issues that are going to be coming up in the future -- innovation, regulatory convergence, how we're thinking about the Internet and intellectual property.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at the APEC Business Summit