empowerment of peasants 对赋有权力的农民
quality of peasants 农民素质
growth of peasants income 农民增收
self-defence corps of peasants 农民自卫军
increase income of peasants 农民增收
King of Peasants 农民之王
Palestine, in those days, was a community of peasants and landowners;
He cared about the fate of peasants and the general citizenry, Russians in the mass.
They ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants’ lives.
Workers obviously didn't want a monarchy; but, in many areas of France,particularly in the south, lots of peasants did want a republic, and France becomes a republic.
One of the things that's very true about Moscow, right into the twentieth century, is that you had all sorts of peasants living on the edge of Moscow living in these wooden houses.
But,there also are these strong traditions of popular Royalism, of ordinary people and peasants who believe fervently in the monarchy.