In days of yore 古时候 ; 古代 ; 朝花夕拾
Legends of Yore 复古传奇 ; 昔日传奇
Legends of Yore Full 昔日传奇 ; 复古传奇 ; 昔日传奇完整版
barks of yore 凯旋的多桅帆船
Wizards of Yore 巫师的往昔
Days of Yore 昔日时光
in the days of yore 在昔日的日子里
Tell the Days of yore 讲述过去的事情
The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore.
It's not what the cloth-cap and meat-pie fans of yore would have bought.
Sedimentary rocks such as sandstone also testify to the quicker days of yore.