take-off angle 出射角 ; 离源角 ; 接收角
cut-off angle 熄火点弹道倾角 ; 截光角
off-angle drilling 钻斜井 ; 钻斜孔法
walk-off angle 离散角 ; 走离角
back-off angle [机] 后角 ; 后让角
cut off angle 遮光角 ; 截止角 ; 保护角
TOA Take off Angle 发射角〖天线
The ball skewed off at a right angle.
And look at the slope of the roof, the steep angle helps keep off all that rain and snow that accumulates in the winter.
To get the ball under the bar, they must learn to aim slightly lower than normal, reducing the ball's take-off Angle by around half a degree.