目前主要有格点模型(LatticeModel)和非格点模型(Off-Lattice Model)两种。HP格点模型【lUJ(HPLattice Model)是由Dill等人提出的,它是最简单的格 点模型,然而虽然它是最简化的模型之一,计算蛋白...
2D HP off-lattice model 二维HP非格模型
off lattice model 非格模型
3D off-lattice model 三维非格点模型
HP off-lattice Model HP非格模型
d off-lattice model 三维非格点模型
HPNX off-lattice model HPNX非格模型
3 d off-lattice model 三维非格点模型
For the protein structure prediction problem based on off-lattice model, it can be treated as a continuous function optimization problem, we apply improved SA to solve it.
参考来源 - 蛋白质构象预测算法的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In the paper, an improved TS algorithm is proposed for protein Three-Dimensional (3d) folding structure prediction in AB off-lattice model.
The off-lattice model is adopted and the relative entropy is used as a minimization function to predict the tertiary structure of a protein.
The off lattice model is used, and the prediction just focuses on the frame of the main chain of protein.