oil-water relative permeability ratio 油水相对渗透率比
Oil-water relative permeability measurement 油水相对渗透率测定
oil-gas relative permeability 油气相渗
oil-water relative permeability 油水相对渗透率
oil-phase relative permeability 油相相对渗透率
oil-water relative-permeability 油水相对渗透率
oil water relative permeability 油水相对渗透率
Extensive laboratory testing showed that associative polymers had no significant effect on the relative permeability to oil.
Relative permeability of oil phase increases with the capillary number but is insensitive to non-Darcy effect.
It is showed that well logging data can be used to calculate oil and water relative permeability that can satisfy produced fluid types of evaluating reservoir.