crude oil spot market 原油现货市场
oil-spot glaze 油滴釉
Oil spot tests 油渍试验法
rind oil spot [植保] 油斑症
spot oil market 石油现货市场 ; [贸易] 现货石油市场
fuel oil spot 燃料油现货
oil spot price 原油现货价格
oil spot market 石油现货市场
Although hydrocarbons have long been known to fluoresce, or glow, under ultraviolet light, this may be the first time the technology has been used outside a lab to spot oil.
Oil slicks are notoriously difficult to spot in natural-color (photo-like) satellite imagery because a thin sheen of oil only slightly darkens the already dark blue background of the ocean.
The Americans have long pursued an "oil-spot" strategy-establishing areas of stability that would, with time, expand.
美国长久以来奉行“油点(oil - spot)”战略,即确立稳定与时相展的地区。