... 头痛是感冒的主要症状之一,阿司匹林则是治疗感冒头痛的经典药物。[数字阿司匹林]由专注于BBT生物效应研究的MediSou… 老屁(Old Fart) 疯狂的懒小猫(Lazy Cr… ...
Dante: That's a solid performance for an old fart like you.
When will the lousy old fart die?Will he live until the next century?
泰勒这老鬼到底什么时候死 他想活到下个世纪去啊?
I decided to mind my own business. (I silently thought I might later change my mind if one of them said something about "that old fart across the aisle" or some such;
于是我决定自己忙自己的。 (我暗自思忖,假如她们两个有人说出“坐在过道那边的老头儿”之类的话,我一定会改变主意;