one by one 一个一个 ; 逐个 ; 逐一
One by one and 一招一式
crush one by one 各个击破
tell one by one 一句一句地念诵 ; 一件一件地说
one by one love her 一个由一位爱她 ; 一个爱她 ; 一个接一个爱她
check one by one 圈点阅读 ; 一个个地查对
One-by-One Surface Set 依次曲面集合
One by one Sirenia 第十三章
read them one by one 逐一阅读 ; 看过他们一个一个 ; 读他们逐个 ; 阅读它们一一
then one by one 接着一个接一个的
We went into the room one by one.
I went through the items on the list one by one.
One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.
You have to discount something that's one period in the future by dividing it by 1+r.