one shot camera 单象摄影机 ; 单镜头抏影机 ; 单像摄影机 ; 单镜头
one-shot color camera 单象彩色照相机 ; 单像彩色照相机
One Shot Filter Silent Camera 一键静音相机
one-shot colour camera 单镜头分色照相机
one e shot camera 单象摄影机
Stratospheric: Robert Harrison captured images of the Earth like this one using a Canon Sure Shot camera fixed in a polystyrene box and attached to a helium balloon
平流层:罗伯特·哈里森将一台佳能 Sure Shot 相机固定在聚苯乙烯盒中并将盒子绑在氦气球上,仅凭此他捕捉到了上面这样的地球图像
He sent his camera crew out one evening to shot the sunset for him.
We can easily photograph the long jump or high jump pits with one camera as well as the finish line and the shot putt area with the other.
将整个体育场覆盖在它们能够捕捉到的范围之内。 我们可以很轻易地用一个镜头拍摄跳远或跳高的比赛场面,同时还能用另一个镜头拍摄到终点线和铅球投掷区的镜头。
In problem set 5, last year I took a stroll around campus with one of the teaching fellows with his digital camera, we shot photographs of identifiable but non-obvious spots on campus and then like an idiot I always seem to erase my compact flashcard accidentally.