有的,学校这周六就有组织一日游(one day trip)带我们去外面玩,之前还有利物浦城市观光游,带我们去利物浦市中心,还有各种博物馆和美术馆,后来才知道利物浦有除伦敦之外最多...
Wulai One Day Trip 乌来一日游
Pingxi Railway One Day Trip 平溪铁道一日游 ; 台北旅游景点推荐
North Coast One Day Trip 北海岸一日游
One day trip to osaka 筑波生活之十一
After the One-Day Trip 二人行一日后
one-day trip 一日游 ; 三亚一日游 ; 农场一日游
One day trip to Boston 旅美第一天
Pinglin One Day Trip 坪林一日游
Right. Here's my plan: I'll take one day trip as possible.
We had one last trip to make, a day excursion from Damascus by car.
One day, we were driving and it was a beautiful trip.
One day Thompson returned to Poplar Island from a trip and made a horrible discovery.
VOA: special.2009.10.06
He says it occurred to him one day that he should make a road trip to help the needy.
VOA: standard.2010.07.06
His one-day visit to Bucharest was part of a trip through Eastern Europe intended to reassure Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic that America's commitment to the region remains strong.
VOA: standard.2009.10.23