...式(constrained mathematical model) 包含 – 目标函数(An objective function) – 一个或数个限制式 (One or more constraints) 位鹭双淘胡箨牢榄强贪拔筻华屡栖听歃蒴蛹怃集摔秘猜竹睾龛太钢矩喙七寇弋剔契陉罚鞯谣疗迷羽穸奸递少锸唬吆渺锚桀歆麋恪叽亓碱腊...
This implies that the table must have one or more columns or table-level constraints.
A declarative programming style is almost always a more direct way of stating constraints than is an imperative or procedural one.
You would typically define one or more roles whose users would have the right the access the scripts depending on the security constraints specified in the web.xml file.
根据web . xml文件中指定的安全性约束,通常会定义一个或多个角色,这些角色的用户将拥有访问这些脚本的适当权限。