本次比赛的主题为“天下一家”(One World One Family),共有20名选手参加了本次比赛。中国驻意大利使馆教育处参赞罗平、那不勒斯东方大学校长艾达·莫利齐奥和意大利卡帕尼亚大区教育和...
The Bates look set to become the biggest family in the world one day, and are only one baby behind the Duggars from Arkansas, who have 19.
It is the way of life, for We are flowers of one garden, We are leaves of one tree, All the world is one family.
生活应当是这样,因为我们是同一花园的花朵, 我们是同一树上的树叶, 人类是一体的?
"One World One Dream". You and me from one world. Heart to heart . We are one family. Let's listen to the song "You and me"